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Lactation Consultant: Why, when and who?

Lactation Consultant: Why, when and who?


Although breastfeeding is natural, it does not mean it always comes naturally. Breastfeeding often takes a lot of patience and persistence to learn and become comfortable with. Research has shown that the more educated and supported we are, the better breastfeeding rates are. 

The earlier you seek support the better:

Preparing to breastfeed should be no different to preparing for your birth. Unfortunately for many this is not the case, and they often wait until the baby is born to learn on the go. Recent breastfeeding statistics have shown that 96% of mothers commence breastfeeding but by 3 months this has significantly decreased to only 39% of babies still being exclusively breastfed and by 5 months only 15%. What this highlights is the evident lack of support and education most mothers receive and hence sees many women mix feeding or stopping breastfeeding completely, earlier than they would have liked. Education is power, the more knowledge we have behind us, the better you can set yourself up to get breastfeeding off to a good start.

Antenatal appointments with a lactation consultant to learn about what is to come and have an individualised plan, a breastfeeding online course or face to face class will set you up with the right foundations.

One of the biggest benefits of seeing a lactation consultant is that because of the continued education they need to do, you will receive the most up to date evidence based information. They can offer you personalised guidance, reassurance and support to troubleshoot any issues, and enhance your feeding journey. By getting educated in your pregnancy by a lactation consultant you will have a familiar face to contact if any issues do arise, allowing earlier intervention, and helping to improve your breastfeeding experience. The earlier you seek support in the postpartum period, the easier it will be to implement any strategies needed and start noticing improvements.

Why would you need a lactation consultant:

For some mothers, it is just for support or reassurance. For others it is because they are experiencing a certain issue and need help. Some reasons why you may engage are:

  • Antenatal education. Best completed around 32-36 weeks of pregnancy to ensure it is fresh on your mind and you are ready to start.
  • Difficulty latching: This may include needing support to latch, or improving the latch due to nipple pain or damage.
  • Oral assessment: For the assessment of any oral function issues including oral ties, clefts, high palate etc.
  • Low milk supply: Wanting support to both identify reasons for and improve low milk supply.
  • Oversupply concerns
  • Support with mastitis, engorgement or blocked ducts: Guidance in managing these issues and also preventing them happening again.
  • Support for infants who are unsettled, or showing signs of reflux or intolerances.
  • Low weight gain.
  • Previous breast surgery: Including breast implants or breast reduction surgery.
  • Wanting to learn to express, or give a bottle: Often needed to assist with the transition to returning to work.

Face to face vs digital consults:

Many lactation consultants will offer face to face or digital consults and it can be difficult to understand how each can help. For those that have access to face to face this will always be the gold standard of care for latching difficulties but when access is limited you can still receive great results from a digital consult.

During a face to face consult, your lactation consultant will be able to assess your feeding journey and complete a full oral examination. Being face to face will allow your lactation consultant to implement the right tools and strategies to try to improve your journey from the initial visit however where this type of service is not accessible, a digital consult can still have great benefits in assessing your feeding and implementing improvements where needed. Most of the reasons you may engage a lactation consultant, including concerns around supply, mastitis support, advice on giving a bottle or weaning can all be completed just as good whether via face to face or digital appointment. This means that support is available for all mothers, you just need to reach out. 

How to find a lactation consultant

Most hospitals and councils offer limited access to their own lactation consultants and this can be a more economical service when available. 

The Australian Breastfeeding Association is an incredible resource available to everyone and offers a free 24/7 phone service where you can call to get advice on specific issues whilst also offering a lot of online information.

Within the social media world there is also a lot of information and resources available. Often private lactation consultants have their own pages and you may be able to contact them through this approach if you feel they are the right fit for you. 

8 out of 10 women stop breastfeeding before they want to.

The 2010 Australian National Infant Feeding Survey (ANIFS) identified that 8 out of 10 women stop breastfeeding before they want to. This comes from various reasons, from milk supply issues, to intolerances and often, returning to work in an unsupportive environment. The survey highlighted that women who received any form of support were less likely to stop exclusively breastfeeding before 5 months than women who did not. This support is essential for a positive experience and can come from various forms including individualised care from a lactation consultant, phone calls with the Australian Breastfeeding Association, online resources, and most importantly, friends and family. Those who have a strong support network are far more likely to have a more overall breastfeeding experience and a lactation consultant can play a huge role in that. 


Breastfeeding rates in Australia | Australian Breastfeeding Association

Australia's mothers and babies: Breastfeeding - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (

Yang, Y., Liu, H., Cui, X., & Meng, J. (2024). Mothers’ experiences and perceptions of breastfeeding peer support: a qualitative systematic review. International breastfeeding journal, 19(1), 7.

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