The first six months of your baby’s life are full of amazing advancements in their development. These advancements are known as milestone.
While every baby is different, here’s a general guide to milestones in the first six months of your baby’s life.
Milestones at 1 month old
By one month of age - eating, sleeping and cuddling are all that really matters to your baby.
They will typically have grown by 700-900gms over their birth weight and will require follow up/growth and wellbeing assessment by their paediatrician or community health nurse.
- Eyes begin to focus better
- Loves the sound of your voice
- Can raise own head when lying on stomach
- Makes gurgling noises when happy/content
- Learning to self-soothe
Milestones at 2 Months Old
By two months of age, your baby is growing very quickly and has started to smile!
Babies will typically have a big growth spurt at approximately 6 weeks which may make them fussy and irritable, wanting to feed a lot more!
- Has discovered own fingers/hands, can grab objects but usually can’t let the object go!
- Follows you with their eyes
- Likes bright objects/patterns
- Has started making a lot more noise and at times seem to be trying to respond to you
Milestones at 3 Months Old
By three months of age, your baby has formed a strong attachment to you, and is smiling a lot!
- Reaching for objects and sometimes will try put the object in their mouth
- Able to wave their arms and legs strongly
- Might start rolling from their front to their back during ‘tummy time’
Milestones at 4 Months Old
By four months of age, your baby is learning to coordinate their body & fine motor skills.
- Able to pick up objects and put them in their mouth
- Can now smile, laugh and show excitement when prompted by you
- Has begun showing other emotions such as frustration and anger
Milestones at 5 Months Old
By five months your baby is developing their behavioural skills, lots of cuddles and kisses!
- Double their birth weight
- Learning how to sit up by themselves
- Showing an interest in your food
- Learning to mimic mouth sounds you make
Milestones at 6 Months Old
By six months you can usually start introducing solid foods!
- Can pass objects hand to hand
- Can roll over and support own head and neck
- Communicating with you by babbling, singing and squealing
Written by Keryn Thompson, RM & IBCLC (L-301766)
De Jager, M., 2011. Brain developmental milestones and learning. South Africa: Mind Moves Institute, p.433.
Onis, M., 2007. WHO Motor Development Study: Windows of achievement for six gross motor development milestones. Acta Paediatrica, 95, pp.86-95.
Pediatric Patient Education, 2021. Your Child’s Growth: Developmental Milestones.
Petty, K., 2016. Developmental milestones of young children. New York: Redleaf Press, pp.27-39.